Your money matters
Working, semi-retired and retired downsizers can live an independent life, while having the financial freedom to enjoy life's little luxuries. Keep reading to find out how you can achieve this too!
An upsized lifestyle is within reach
Since Lifestyle Communities® began, our mission has always been to enable working, semi-retired and retired downsizers to live an independent life, while having the financial freedom to enjoy a new home and experiences with greater peace of mind in a secure community setting.
Here's how it can be achieved
Lifestyle Communities® operate as land lease communities - a model enabling an exciting new lifestyle to be within reach for all of our homeowners. Read more about the land lease model.
How can I free up equity tied up in my old home?
Our homes are typically priced at 75-80% of the local median house price. By selecting the right home for your new lifestyle, you have the opportunity to free up money tied up in your old home. Calculate how much money can be freed up by using the table below:
For more information use our Home Equity Calculator or download a Free Property Report.
Cheaper cost of living
Let's compare changes to your weekly expenses
When you make the move to a Lifestyle Community, you'll find savings can be achieved to your current monthly expenses. Download the worksheet below - which gives you indicative examples and will help you estimate your own savings.
Download worksheet