Deferred Management Fee

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What is a Deferred Management Fee?

A Deferred Management Fee (DMF) is paid as a contribution towards the costs of managing, maintaining and improving a community (including your share of the community infrastructure). It helps keep home entry prices affordable, so you can start your downsizing journey at Lifestyle Communities® sooner.

A Deferred Management Fee ensures Lifestyle Communities has a vested interest in the value of your property, which increases over time due to our commitment to improving, refurbishing, and maintaining community facilities. You pay this fee at the end of your time with us and it is payable on the sale of your home.

The Deferred Management Fee explained by our Founder, James Kelly.

How the Deferred Management Fee is calculated.

The Deferred Management Fee is a percentage of the final sale price of your Lifestyle Communities home.

  • You’ll pay 4% of the home value on the sale for each full year.
  • If you sell part-way through a year, you’ll pay a pro-rata amount of the 4% annual increase.
  • The Deferred Management fee is capped at 20% after five years, regardless of how long you stay, allowing you to benefit from continued capital growth.
  • Lifestyle Communities has averaged 9.5% capital growth per annum over the last 10 years.

Watch one of our homeowners, Graeme, share his thoughts on the benefits of the Deferred Management Fee.

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Did you know Lifestyle Communities® resales see an average capital growth of over 9.5% per year?