LC Woodlea Clubhouse March2024 35 A4034 Small Web topaz enhance 3 1x exposure extended 1
Lifestyle Woodlea
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Welcome to Lifestyle Woodlea

Welcome to Lifestyle Woodlea. This is a community designed with homeowners and their priorities in mind. Whether it’s about staying connected, looking after your mind, body & soul, or having a home that welcomes your pets, you’ll find it here.

Located in the heart of Aintree, 40km west of Melbourne, it’s the perfect spot for those who want the best of both worlds; community connection with room to breathe.

Want to know if Lifestyle Woodlea is right for you? Call our team on 1300 50 55 60 or visit our website to learn more.

Ready to see more of the multi-million dollar Clubhouse at Lifestyle Woodlea?