Lifestyle Communities® Foundation
We find our homeowners’ enthusiasm for giving back truly inspiring, and we’re excited to continue giving as we grow.

In honour of Dael Perlov
Dael Perlov, one of the founding partners of Lifestyle Communities®, passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2014. In his honour, we established the Lifestyle Communities® Foundation to support fundraising for cancer-based charities. Each financial year, Lifestyle Communities® tops up the Lifestyle Communities® Foundation with the equivalent of $50 for each home open in our communities.

Together we make a difference
In the 2023 financial year, we’re pleased to announce enormous growth in homeowner fundraising efforts and Lifestyle Communities® Foundation dollar matching with homeowners raising $160,000 and the Foundation contributing $160,000 for a total of $320,000 reaching cancer-based charities and organisations. Since the program started a total of over $1.4 million has been donated.
Putting our breast foot forward
We certainly did put our breast foot forward for the Mother’s Day Classic 2023; and what a day it was! We feel humbled to have been crowned the largest team to walk this fantastic event and the highest fundraisers in Australia. Collectively, we raised an incredible $60,379 for life-saving breast cancer research.

PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
Lifestyle Communities® Foundation is especially delighted to support PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, by donating $2 on behalf of each of our homeowners, marked simply and meaningfully by an annual birthday card. As our communities continue to grow, we enjoy seeing this amount increase year-on-year as more homeowners move in to join us. In the 2023 financial year we’re proud to announce that this effort resulted in a $8,000 donation to support the crucial work of PanKind in pancreatic cancer research and awareness-raising.
Charities we have donated to
- Australian Melanoma Research Foundation
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Frankston Hospital Oncology
- The Kids' Cancer Project
- Leukaemia Foundation
- Melanoma Institute Australia
- Movember Fundraiser
- National Breast Cancer Foundation (Mother's Day Classic)
- Oesophageal Cancer
- PanKind, The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
- Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
- Redkite
- Ronald McDonald House Charities
- Royal Children's Hospital